Shrink Pictures
Resize Images for Facebook Online
Can't get enough of Facebook? Want an Easy way to Resize your photos ready for Facebook?
Our New Resize for Facebook Tools are Ready to help you.
Just like our Regular Resize tool - we have made it ultra simple to resize a photo and then share it right to your Facebook account within a few minutes. Facbook only displays your photo at a small size - and sometimes when they resize your photos they don't look the best, by Resizing your photo before uploading to Facebook, you know exactly how it will look.
- Select your photo and click the Process button
- Get your "Mobile Uploads" email Address from Your Facebook Account *
- Write the Caption for your photo
To get your Mobile Uploads email address from Facebook, simply go to the Facbook Mobile Upload Page then when you log in you will see under upload via email a private address that will let you upload your pictures directly to your Facebook account!
Original images can be up to 6Meg in size means you can use photos direct from your 8 megapixel Digital Camera.
Batch Photo - Your solution when you have lots of photos to resize.
Download your free trial Now.

When you need to resize more than 1 photo at a time we use and recommend BatchPhoto. This software is capable of not only resizing a batch of photos it can also do several other tasks to your batch of photos as well such as renaming.